Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Peition For Redress Of Grievances

The American People’s Manifesto –
A Petition For Redress of Grievances

Whereas, there are reasons to be deeply concerned that our nation is under attack to subvert it from its founding principles, and

Whereas, it has been proven that we cannot trust politicians, PACs, power brokers, wealth mongers, and corporate CEOs to correct the current economic crisis because they cannot get beyond their own agendas, entrenchments, enrichments, and entitlement mentality to serve the greater good of our nation, proving that our federal government, with its two party system, has been unable to perform its mission and is, indeed, broken; and

Whereas, this is a time of crisis that calls for extreme measures in order to save our nation from insolvency and collapse and to correct its course toward its higher purpose;

Under our 1st Amendment rights, we hereby respectfully petition the U.S. Government for a redress of the following grievances:

1. Subversion Of The U.S. Constitution

  • Activist judges in recent years have ventured beyond the interpretation of law to begin legislating law. We petition an immediate stop to this practice and the removal of any judge or Justice who commits such an act and a subsequent barring from any future position where they can judge or influence law. No more shall the U.S. Constitution be re-interpreted according to personal bias or group agenda.
  • There are those who say our Constitution is not a legally binding document, rather a “guideline.” If that were true, none of our laws would be legal. Revisionists say the Constitution is subject to interpretation. But by whose standards? To ensure the integrity of our Constitution, our first litmus test must be, “What was the intent of the Founding Fathers?” To gain understanding of the intentions of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution, judges and justices shall research and study the historical records and diaries of the Founding Fathers and then ask themselves, “What would the Founding Fathers do in this situation?” The resulting answer shall be their guide. In particular, judges and justices shall closely study the provision for the separation of church and state and shall abide by the intentions of the Founding Fathers to allow freedom of religion...NOT freedom from religion. No federal law shall include any language that excludes faith-based organizations from participation, nor shall it give preferential treatment or standing to any group that violates the intentions of the Founding Fathers. Current laws that violate the moral integrity of America shall be repealed, including laws prohibiting prayer in schools and laws that violate the sanctity of life (i.e., Roe vs. Wade). Research that destroys embryonic cells shall be prohibited by law. Also, the cloning of human cells shall be prohibited by law. Furthermore, all appeals shall use the same standard.
  • Transparency in government relating to these grievances shall be the standard, as long as it does not compromise the security of the nation. All actions taken by Congress, the President, and/or the Judicial Branch relative to this Petition for Redress of Grievances shall be posted online on an advertised government website and broadcast live on C-Span during prime time viewing hours. All major media broadcast stations (including ABC, CBS, and NBC) will be required to report these actions in sufficient detail to inform the people of the progress being made, without guidance or interference by the government.

2. Compromise Of Our Sovereignty

America’s sovereignty and our position as a world leader are under attack. It has been long known that the United Nations has an agenda of world domination. Toward that end, they have worked diligently toward a one-world currency and economic system, a one-world military force, and a one-world legal system and criminal court. And, of course, they want to be the ones in control of this “one world.” The Euro was the first major step in their financial and economic domination. During the most recent U.N. meeting, they tried to implement a one-world “regulator” who could reach across sovereign lines of their member nations to enforce U.N. laws. The United States has, heretofore, resisted all their efforts. However, on the President’s recent European trip, there were distressing cracks in our position. During the President’s recent trip to Europe, in his Strasbourg address, he stated that Europe is the world leader, publicly conceding America’s position before the entire world. We, as the people of America, do not concede our leadership role in the world. To all those who are confused on this issue, let us make our position absolutely clear:

  • The rights we have as a sovereign nation shall never be yielded to another power…not by any one, in any way, at any time.
  • On those occasions where we choose to become part of a coalition military force, we may yield temporary leadership for a common cause, but we will always act in America’s best interests. Our allegiance to America shall never waiver, nor shall we ever waiver in our duty to uphold our sovereignty. We bow to no nation.
  • The value of our currency shall be protected at all times. The U.S. dollar is our currency. It will never be sacrificed or abandoned in favor of another sovereign’s currency.
  • There is an alarming increase in foreign ownership and/or control of real estate and business entities in America, including the management of our ports and many of our landmarks. To protect the economic future of America, foreign ownership of real property and business entities (whether for-profit or non-profit) in America must be prohibited by law. A provision should be made for current ownership to be sold to American citizens or entities within a reasonable timeframe (no more than 24 months from enactment of the law).

3. Legislation Without Congressional Participation

Article II of the Constitution vests broad executive powers in the President, but it does not grant legislative powers to the President. Abraham Lincoln created the executive order in 1862 when the country was in another crisis. Presidents since then have used this power to create executive directives (laws that go into immediate effect). Congress has, on a rare occasion, overturned an executive order that it deemed to be exceeding executive powers. We believe executive orders that affect anyone outside the Executive Office violate the separation of powers intended by the Founding Fathers and we hereby petition an immediate cease to any such pending executive orders and a prohibition against any future such orders. Laws affecting the citizens of America shall be enacted by the legislative branch only, as provided by our Constitution.

4. Failure To Protect Our Financial System

With the repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act and the deregulation of the financial services industry over the last several years, the government dismantled many of the protections put into place after the 1929 Depression and laid the groundwork for the current global economic crisis. We therefore petition for:

  • The immediate re-implementation of financial regulations based on sound fiscal policy and sound banking practice;
  • A review of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and other banking acts that have contributed to our national crisis; a review and subsequent re-activation or revision of the Glass-Stegall Act; and a review and possible repeal of Fair Accounting Statement 157 which has exacerbated the economic crisis.
  • A moratorium shall be placed on high risk financial entities (including investment banks and GSEs), products (such as shadow banking mechanisms, and securitization of mortgages) and practices (such as sub-prime lending) until sufficient rules and regulations have been implemented to govern them or a determination has been made to prohibit them. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shall be reviewed to determine whether they should continue to exist as a Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE). Similarly, the role of investment banks and hedge funds shall be reviewed and a determination made about their future participation in the economic system of America.
    No financial instrument or entity shall be immune from federal and state regulation and oversight.
  • Our banking system is and shall remain separate from the government. Rather than nationalizing failing banks, Congress shall determine whether any institution should be allowed to become so large that its failure would jeopardize our economic and financial system. (i.e., “too big to fail.”) If the answer is no, a plan shall be developed to break up mega banks (similar to anti-trust actions). If they are allowed to continue, mega banks shall not be exempted from any financial rule or regulation, and oversight of such banks shall be at the Congressional level to ensure they are operating soundly.

5. Unjust Indebtedness Of The American People – Taxation Without Representation

Through recent legislation and executive orders, Congress and the President have created an unprecedented amount of debt which, it has been said by some economists, could take ten generations of Americans to repay. This debt was created to finance economic stimulus packages, bailouts of private corporations, and an out-of-control budget, with the specter of more trillion-dollar budgets in the future. Such a debt will mandate increased taxes on the people and could lead to insolvency in our financial structure. Therefore, we respectfully petition the following:

  • Sound fiscal policy must be restored to the government. A balanced budget policy shall be adopted and the current and all pending budgets shall be revised so that every budget item has adequate funding.
  • Special interest line items and earmarks must be removed from all pending legislative bills, effective immediately, and prohibited from future bills. Bills may not have items appended to it that do not pertain to the purpose of the bill.
  • No further appropriations of bailouts or economic stimulus bills shall be enacted without a vote by the American people. Companies and banks that wish to return their bailout funding shall be allowed to do so.
  • Repeal of the current tax code, abolishment of the IRS, and adoption of a new tax code is hereby petitioned. The current tax code, with all its laws, regulations, and administrative agencies (including the Internal Revenue Service) shall be repealed and replaced by a single tax system (i.e., flat tax, fair tax, sales tax, etc.). The collection of such a flat tax must be simple to administer, including a mechanism to pay states their fair share in a timely manner. Such tax shall replace all current taxes, including federal and state income taxes, employer withholding taxes, business inventory taxes, unemployment taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and any other taxes on the citizens of America. The new tax code shall be contained in one document consisting of no more than two typed pages (8.5” x 11’, printed in 10 pt font with 1” margins on all sides). It must be stated in plain language, unambiguous and easily understood. There shall be no loopholes (whether hidden or obvious), no favored groups, no biases, and no incentives other than those stated here. The goals of such a flat tax shall be to:
  1. more equitably and fairly distribute the tax burden across American citizens and businesses…but do it in such a way that capitalism can still thrive and people and businesses will still be rewarded for their efforts,
  2. include a provision for the elderly and certifiably disabled according to their circumstances and ability to pay,
  3. provide incentives for businesses to grow, to provide employee benefits, and to keep jobs in America (or tax penalties when they do not), and
  4. provide incentives for individuals to do good works and contribute to the good of the nation.
  • Entitlement programs, such as the Social Security and Medicare systems, shall be reviewed to factually determine the current state of their financial integrity. A plan shall then be developed to secure their future solvency in a way that does not risk the solvency of the American financial system. The plan shall then be voted on by the American people.

6. Undue Influence Upon Branches of Government

We believe powerful Political Action Committees (PACs), lobbyists and other special interest groups exert undue influence over the legislative and executive branches of government to ensure favorable treatment pertaining to their agenda. We hereby petition to prohibit any activity by PACs and special interest groups to influence any legislative or executive action, whether by contributions, services rendered, gifts given, promises, or other actions.

To replace the monies previously supplied by PACs and lobbyists, the pay structure for U.S. Legislators shall be reviewed to ensure it includes a salary commensurate with their contribution and years of service, sufficient to adequately support them and their households. To ease the burden of maintaining a second residence during their term(s), the government may choose to provide housing for U.S. Legislators within the DC area. U.S. Legislators shall continue to be provided an expense account to support an office in their home state and in DC and reasonable trips between them. (Such trips must be on commercial transportation systems and may not be paid for by others.) The financial records of all legislators shall be subject at any time to random audit by the Inspector General’s Office, and their pay scale shall be transparent to the American people.

All Legislators (whether state or federal) shall be subject to all the laws of the land. Violations of law by Legislators shall be dealt with in the same manner as any other citizen. No preferential treatment may be given unless the security of the nation is at risk, and then appropriate measures shall be taken that still satisfy the rule of law.

7. A Failed Energy Policy

Energy is an important factor for our future security, as well as our financial health. And yet, we have allowed ourselves to become dependent on other nations for our energy sources. This must be corrected. Therefore, we petition Congress to adopt a new energy policy that includes innovative energy efficient and earth friendly solutions, such as The Pickens Plan, as well as stringent new rules and regulations to implement those solutions. In order to be believed by the American People, the timeline to implement these solutions must reflect an appropriate sense of urgency.

8. A Broken Two-Party Political and Campaign System

The American people have lost confidence in the current political system and in those who have been elected to represent them. Having come to the conclusion that the current two-party political system is ineffective and dysfunctional, it is the will of the people that it be abolished and replaced with one legislative body to represent all the interests of America without bias.

Believing that long terms lead to an entrenchment of Washington power brokers, we petition that Congressional terms shall be limited to no more than two terms per person.

All Presidential and Congressional campaigns shall be funded completely by the U.S. Treasury, with equal amounts allocated to all candidates, to ensure that no candidate is influenced by contributors and that each is given equal opportunity.

The role of the Electoral College in Presidential campaigns (enacted by the 12th Amendment) shall be reviewed by a panel of Americans chosen by the people to determine whether it should be abolished and replaced by popular vote.

9. Failure To Secure Our Borders

A nation is only as secure as its borders. However, America’s borders have proven to be impossible to protect. We petition therefore for the following:

  • Sufficient funding shall be given to secure our borders.
  • All immigration laws shall be enforced without bias.
  • Those who enter illegally shall be dealt with in a way that discourages return attempts. For first offenders, people illegally crossing our borders shall be immediately returned to law enforcement agents at their point of entry, providing they are not on any government list. Second offenses of such persons should result in deportation plus a permanent ban against future entry or any possibility of future U.S. citizenship.
  • Illegal immigrants of all ages who are currently residing in America shall be required to immediately register with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and to maintain current information with the agency until the American people vote on their disposition. Failure to register should result in immediate deportation and a ban against future entry into the U.S.

10. A Failed Healthcare System

Every American citizen should have access to healthcare services. However, a universal or nationalized healthcare system, such as that used by England, is inconsistent with American ideals and has proven to be ineffective. Believing that the healthcare crisis is real and that is also impacts our financial recovery, we petition Congress to enact laws to accomplish the following:

  • All insurance providers shall make health insurance available to all applicants, regardless of pre-existing conditions or state of health at the time of application.
  • Rates for all applicants shall be assessed according to a person’s ability to pay. Hospitals shall follow successful models, such as the Kaiser-Permanente Model, which pays doctors a salary.
  • People not currently deemed to be insurable shall be placed in a national group with Congressional and other preferred constituents until that group has a balanced portfolio of people commensurate with other groups. (This is similar in concept to property insurance pools.)
  • All health decisions shall be made by the patient and his/her doctor and shall not be influenced by financial considerations or directives by any health organization. Rather, the insurance provider shall be required to pay for any procedures, medicine, services, or facility that the doctor deems medically necessary.
  • Failure to follow this requirement shall result in the insurance provider losing its license or health facility being shut down.

11. A Failed Education System

If America hopes to thrive in a global market, we must have an effective education system that allows us to compete. Believing that education is the key to our future, we petition Congress to appoint an Education Committee, comprised of education experts and innovative practitioners, to study and identify the most successful education models being used worldwide and to bring a recommendation within six months of what they think is the best solution. Such solution shall include curricula and textbooks which: agree with and uphold the moral integrity of our nation; foster an environment of respect and courtesy between students, faculty, and administration; encourage creativity in the pursuit of knowledge; and provide discipline as needed to ensure a safe learning environment.

12. A Failed Justice System

Believing that our justice system is failing the American people in many ways, we petition the following guidelines to be adopted in all federal and state courts:

  • To clear the dockets, nuisance suits should require not only that the loser pay all court costs for himself and the other party, but should also result in a jail sentence if deemed excessive or if it is recurring and deemed to be deliberate harassment.
  • To reserve space in our jails and prisons for more serious criminals, those who commit misdemeanors may not warrant a jail sentence. Personal restitution and community service may be appropriate measures.
  • For non-violent crimes, a rehabilitative approach may be more productive for society than long prison sentences, with a focus on education and job training in a field that matches the convicted person’s abilities and interests, and with job placement assistance and follow-up to ensure they successfully re-enter society.
  • Felony convictions should be consistently applied by the courts, requiring prison sentences appropriate to the crime. Multiple homicide convictions should require either life without parole or a death sentence. However, in these cases, evidence should not be limited to circumstantial; it should be required to include compelling scientific evidence that definitively and indisputably links the defendant to the crime. When a death sentence is given, the appeal process should be completed within two years. If the sentence is not overturned, it should be carried out within six months from the last appeal.
  • To provide a greater deterrent to illegal drug proliferation in America, convicted drug dealers must be dealt with in the harshest possible manner. Possession of automatic weapons during a drug deal should double the sentence. A first offense should have a sentence of no less than 3 years, a second offense no less than 6 years, and a third offense no less than 25 years. If convicted of additional related crimes (i.e., murder, theft, etc.), the sentence should be life without parole or death.
  • In order to provide a deterrent to the use of automatic weapons in the commission of a crime, additional prison time shall be added to the sentence when automatic or semi-automatic weapons are used during the commission of a crime. For a first offence, a minimum of 3 years shall be added to the sentence; for a 2nd offense, 6 additional years shall be added; for a 3rd offense, 12 additional years shall be added, and so on.

We, the people of the United States of America, do respectfully petition the President and the U.S. Congress for redress of these grievances and a public announcement of its disposition.

Note: Tea Parties are being held across America to express the outrage of the American people, but they lack a clear common consensus. Some demand tax reform, others decry bailouts and outrageous fiscal deficits, and others shout about jobs being sent overseas. Just as the colonials presented England with a list of injustices two hundred years ago, so must the American people present its leaders with a clear concise list of grievances. This document was created to provide an Agenda around which the American people might rally. But it is just a starting point for dialog. It needs your input, America. Post your comments and suggestions here. And pass the word by emailing your friends, family, social network, email address book, and anyone else you can think of who cares about America. This is our time and the nation needs us. Let’s make a difference!